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Asian box turtle escape

22 16:00:44

Myrtle the Turtle got out of her outdoor enclosure yesterday and I cannot find her. She has roamed the yard before but never has been lost. I am not sure what to do. I have cleared away all brush along the property line, checked under every bush and flower bed I have. How far does a turtle usually roam?  Is there a certain range they stay in or do they continue on?  I've contacted vet, police and animal control letting them know about her disappearance. I'm hoping she just walked and is burrowed in the yard. Any advice about laying out food or any suggestion would be most appreciated.

Hi Lynn,

I'm sorry about Myrtle.  It sounds like you've done the right things so far.  I would also try putting out a source of water, along with a food she really likes.  Check the area in the morning when the sun is warming the ground, as that's the best time to catch her basking.  They can sometimes wander quite a ways, but it's possible an Asian box turtle wouldn't go as far.

Put flyers up around your neighborhood, and for a mile around--lots of them, with pictures.  Offer a reward; sometimes kids are the best eyes and ears.  Good luck!  Please post back if you find her.