Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > red sliders holding hands

red sliders holding hands

22 16:05:55

Does it mean anything when red sliders "hold hands"? My roommate's turtles were holding hands yesterday for quite awhile.  They're about a year old, and we're not sure, but we think they are both boys. We know animals act weird around earthquake times, and there was a quake about 50 miles away from us at the same time.


Hey Adele,

I apologize for the delay in answering your question.

As for the turtles "holding hands", It is very possible that it may have been something do with the earthquake because they can make animals act strange. I haven't really heard of any turtles doing anything like that. I would keep an eye to see if they do it again, but I would bet that they aren't going to.

Hopefully this helps,
