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Male red ear slider biting Female red ear sliders feet

22 16:39:52

I have two female and one male turtles living in a 20 gal. tank.  They are about 2 years old and have lived together since babies and worked well.  This week the smaller in size male started nipping at the larger female's feet until they are starting to bleed. What can I do to help the females?  I really hate to separate them.  Thank You in Advance for your help.  

At 2 years old, a 20 is a little small. The best thing to do would be to get them enough water space that each feels it has enough room of its own, AND that it has enough room to escape if the male tries to bully them again.

The rule of thumb we use is about 10 gallons per inch of turtle shell length. So, if your turtles are about 3" each, we would like to see them in about 90 gallons of water.

We often use plastic storage tubs for tanks at this size- cheaper, easier to clean, etc.

You can try or for more ideas on these guys as pets!