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my jackson/sulcata toddler

22 16:39:38

hi, jackson is about 1 1/2 year old sulcata. we have just started taking him outside to get some sun during the day time, this morning when he woke up, i heard him sneezing and coughing, and he has a runny nose. i know that he is sick,my question is should i get him/her to our reptile vet right away, or should i give it time and see what happens. this is his first time being sick, and i think he will be staying inside for a while.

This sounds like a simple case of a minor Respiratory Infection (RI). These are usually pretty easy to care for, but sometimes cause real problems. Sadly, it can resist treatment and be fatal even for experienced keepers- but that is rare.

As long as it is warm, I'd go ahead with the outdoor sunning. UVB and warmth are a big part of the usual treatment, and stuffy air in indoor pens makes the problem worse.

RI in Sulcata is a bit tricky. Sulcata need humid hiding paces, and dry main enclosures. Too dry all the time, or too wet can cause RI, as can 'sick air' which often happens in enclosed habitats. RI can also happen when they catch a bug, and it can even happen (like in humans) when the weather finally gets nice enough to go outside.

Double check your basic cares ( or for example) and see if there is anything to tweak.

Now... 'Runny Nose Syndrome' is another possibility, and not as hopeful. If it is breathing noisily and blowing bubbles as it breaths, then it IS a vet issue ASAP.