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Cohabitation of Tortoises

22 16:03:28

Hello, I have 3 tortoises. One Elongata, Leopard and an Indian Star. My Elongata has an 8 inch shell, and the other 2 have 6-inched shells. They are all placed in our outdoor patio with tiled flooring where they can move freely. I just got the Leopard yesterday and I have noticed that his both eyes are sticky and he seems slow to move.

Is it okay to have 3 of these tortoises live in the same habitat that I have described?

Not the best option. Your Leopard, for example, has what sounds like an upper respiratory tract infection (sometimes called Respiratory Infection, or RI) which is VERY contagious, often fatal, and very hard to treat successfully. By combining the tortoises, it can easily affect them all.

Then, having a hard ground to walk on is not the best for them. A softer surface that allowed them to snuggle into it, and that offered them a more natural experience would be better. I assume they are getting the correct temps, hides, food, water, etc.

There is also a concern about behavior. Larger tortoises tend to stress smaller tortoises by taking the best food, the best basking sites, the best resting places, and generally just shoving them out of the way. As the habitat becomes bigger, this is less of a concern. However, the Leopard is going to get quite big and will pretty much own the space- again, unless there is a lot of space.