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22 16:47:15

i have 10 baby red ear sliders and some of them look like they are peeling like a snake can you tell me if thats normal or if it is a fungus and if it is what can i do for them they are all about the size of a 50 cent piece and they are in a 55gal tank water is about 72 to 74 degrees  

Hi Seth,

Turtles do shed their skin similiar to how snakes do,  However, it sheds in spots and not all at once.  If shedding is in thin layers, and there is no odor or blood, or the like present, its likely normal and part of growing as well.

If you have concerns that this may be a fungus infection or other infection, its best to seek veterinary care to diagnose and set up a treatment plan.

Improper basking area can also lead to skin problems.  With 10 turtles in a 55 gallon tank, it may be that the turtle don't have an adequate area to fully emerge from the water, dry out, and bask under a UVB/heat bulb.  The basking area needs to be large enough for all the turtles to bask, warm enough to regulate body temperatures (around 90F), and fully dry themselves.