Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > red eared sliders acting weird

red eared sliders acting weird

22 16:14:45

I have adopted 2 male red eared sliders both about 4inchs shells.  I noticed yesterday that they were laying on the bottom of the tank, nose to nose swatting each other in the head with their feet(?).  One of them seem do do more swatting than the other.  They have lots of rooom to move around so I don't think is is a lack of space.  They are very healthy otherwise.  Should I be worried.



Hello Teresa, this is a very territorial behavior and the turtles need to be separated as soon as possible. Two males can NOT co-exist in the same tank, unless it's the size of a large outdoor pond, and even then there are many risks.

Males can and will kill each other over territory and do not enjoy company so separate them before something serious happens.

The behavior you are seeing is a "Back off, this is my territory" type of language. Watch for more serious signs (actual fighting, biting, etc)

Good luck