Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Turtles > Baby RES wont eat

Baby RES wont eat

22 16:03:12

QUESTION: Hi. I have 3 baby RES. they are the size of a dollar coin and they won't eat. I feed them turtle pellets and they won't even touch them. Why is this? What can i do or what should i feed them?

ANSWER: Hello can you please tell me about the set up and temps, food being offres. How long have you had them?

If you can tell me more details I will be able to assist

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I've had them for less than a week and as of right now they're in a small container until i can afford a bigger one. The temp. Is room temperature. The person who gave them to me told me to feed them every other day and that if they didn't eat it was ok because the pellet would dissolve into the water and they would drink the water.

ANSWER: Hi Elizabeth.. it is not uncommon for them to not eat the first few days to a week after beig purchased.
Mostly due to stress.
Can you tell me about the set up?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I moved them to a 10 gallon tank and filled the tank up to 90% of their shell. I Feed them every other day. Its been two weeks.

hello sorry for the delay, my computer had a virus.
If their temps are not warm enough this too will delay an desire to eat Can you get them outdoors to sun and bask?

This will increase the eating as well. If not the next thing is to take to a vet to see if there is an underlyng issue.