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red ear slider hatchling shell

22 16:02:16

i purchased a red ear slider hatchling about 2 month ago. it was about the size of a quarter at that time, now it is close to 2" in diameter. i have noticed around every one of his scutes the color is darker and looks different from the center of the scutes. is this the normal look of growing turtle shells or is something going on i need to fix?
also he is constantly wanting to eat and acts like i never feed him. is this normal as well?

Amanda,  Go to your local pet shop and get some Melafix. It is a braod spectrum antibiotic and all natural. Now the habitat has to be very clean for these gentle creatures. I wouldn't worry about the scutes there are gonna be lots of changes in them as it grows. You need to put it in at least a 10 gallon tank. Preferably with a submersible preset turtle heater. Make sure it has great filtration. You should have a grated top with a double lighted hood cheaper that way....on one side your UVA bulb on other UVB. The UVA is for you heat. Your UVB as the UVA also is for vitamin d production so they have plenty of calcium. They are very prone to MBD (metbolic bone disease). This weakens their bones. Treat the tank like directions says if you notice a little eye puffiness may be abit of a reaction take some water out and add abit. If you have filtration take out the carbon while you are treating. Make sure under the UVA side it has a dock it needs to be able to dry completely and the heat helps in digestion. I would go and get a small dishpan and just deep enough dechlorinated water warm as tank if possible feed it in there make sure enough water to swallow while feeding or they can't eat. This will keep your tank alot cleaner especially when it gets big and they will have an odor. After the treatment make sure you do a good cleaning on your tank and you should be fine.....Good Luck,Tina