Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > Hi again

Hi again

22 15:54:30

You were so great with my last questions that I decided it would benefit me to ask you this.

I was just informed that we are going to be going out of town for a week due to the holidays. When the time comes I don't know whether I should leave the baby here and take my adult so there is absolutely no way he can get to her while I'm gone.

Or, if this would be detrimental to the progress that I have made with her so far and I should take her with me. Would this be a bad idea? Do you think she would get sick? Or would this be the best option?

Thanks again

if at all possible I would try to take them both with you if you are sure you will have a safe place for them when you are on vacation whereever you are.....are you taking them cause there is no one to watch them while you are gone?  if that is the case then if you are taking one I would take the baby also....the baby is the one that would need the most attention and care....