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Angry Sugar Glider

22 15:44:29


Less than 5 days ago we bought a little, 9 month old, male sugar glider. We know that he was going to be a bit of a challenge in the first place, because we bought him a little older than usual. He is our first glider, and a pain and a 1/2! He makes an angry vibrating sound when he is anygry/frightened. We know this is normal, but he NEVER stops! We wouldn't have got him if the pet store wasn't negleting him, but when he got home he made that miserasble noise. And he bites occasionally and his nails are WAY overgrown. So I have 2 questions. 1st of all, what is the quickist and most affective way to bond/tame a glider of his type? Also, are there vets out there to tfim their nails, or should I do it myself at home? The last question is kinda urgent, just ask my arms!


Well the bonding situation is far more serious.. but I have already answered such questions in length.. and am prohibited from answering them over and over so please do look thru my older archives for the answers in which you seek..

As far as the nails go.. I always clip mine myself.. grumpy or not.. the quickest and easiest way to achieve this is to use a pouch or any basic child's snow hat to hold the critter still while you pull out one paw at a time to clip the tiny nails on each paw.. be careful not to clip more than one as they have a tendency to be quite transparent.. I use my own nail trimming clippers.. you might feel more comfy using a set of baby clippers perhaps.. this process will take some practice but is not at all difficult to do yourself..

Best of Luck!

kaden O_o