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Does Sugar Gliders will effect our health?

22 15:44:46

Hi Kaden,
I would like to know if sugar glider would give bad effect to our health because of the smells that they have.My parents always complains about their smells and they believe that it could give bad effects to me and will cause long term effects.Is it true?Does the smells of its urine will bring negative effect on human's health?Because i believe that gliders are not from rats family so it does not give bad effects like rats does.can you please help me with this because my parents want me to get rid of my gliders and i need to stop them and prove that they are wrong.

thank you for your time




I understand your parent concern.. being a parent myself there is a lot to consider in the event of a child's pet purchase.. My kids are ages 9, 15 & 17.. and so I commend their efforts in keeping you safe..!!

Sugar Gliders are still relatively "new" to the world.. and so many of us old timers haven't even heard of them.. yet alone understand what they are exactly..

I have owned gliders for many years now but I too had done the research in order to be sure it was something I "really" wanted to engage myself into.. and that they would be safe for my children and other pets as well..

If you do decide to get a glider and or any other pet for that matter please ALWAYS use sanitary precaution in handling them.. wash your hands before you handle them and after you handle them for sanitary purposes.. This is a REALLY good habit I learned in working with exotics.. This helps keep not only the animals healthy but you healthy as well.. and in working with different species it also keep cross contamination at bay..

Sugar gliders are NOT related to Rats.. they are marsupials and can be researched via scientific classification as well (Petaurus breviceps) They are a small arboreal marsupial that are found in the forests of Australia, as well as in Tasmania, New Guinea, and the neighboring islands of Indonesia. This little creature is a member of the same order that includes kangaroos, opossums, wombats and Tasmanian devils.. What may be a surprise to you is that they DO carry disease.. but none of which would be hazardous to humans.. Their smell is greatly associated with their diet.. If you are having troubles in that department you might want to consider a diet change.. (Please see my other articles in regards) I cannot even count how many rescue gliders I have had turned in with a horrendous odor that would just knock most people out flat..!! These situations are usually always easily fixed with a change of proper nutrition.. as a well fed glider rarely gives off more than a light musky odor.. (somewhat like a ferret) unless he is frightened in which he will give off a skunky like aroma for a few moments.. If you or your parents have sensitive noses they might be a problem to you.. but generally speaking with weekly pouch washing (sleeping pouch) and bi weekly / monthly cage cleaning finished up with proper nutrition.. they should pose no problems in the smells department.. also consider neutering any males you have.. as males are particularly scent driven and will spend a lot of time embedding their scent throughout the cage / room to mark his territory..

So I guess in a word.. NO under proper care and conditions they would not be a hazard to you or your family..

Hope this information helps..!!

your pal