Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > Lethargic Behavior

Lethargic Behavior

22 15:53:59


My husband and I recently bought two female sugar gliders.  The older one was approximately 10 weeks and the younger 8 weeks.  Both of them were very active and jumped around when we first got them.  In the last two weeks, the older one has been very still.  She only sits on my husbands shoulder and won't move around.  Is this normal or is there something wrong with her?  Also, we were given a dried food and told to give them apples as fresh food.  Recently, we have only seen the older one eat the dried food.  Should we take her to the vet?
Thanks for your time.
Concerned mommy.

Dear Dana:

Lethargic behavior is not normal and you should take the glider to a vet right away.  

Whoever gave you a diet of dried pellets and apples is absolutely wrong and you should let them know.  Sugar glider require a "proven diet" staple (which is not a dried pelleted diet), a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables and a protein source (mealworms, crickets, shredded chicken breast, or eggs are suitable). Here is a link to research diets.

Best of luck,
