Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > thinking


22 15:54:00

hi im julia im 11 and thinking because ive been working to get a ferret and now i can although im thinking what about sugar gliders so now i have some questions how big does the cage have to be are they rodents and also do they smell thats all
thank u

Dear Julia:

Sugar gliders are a lot of work!  They require large cages compared to their size -- at least 2' x 2' x 3' high, but even bigger is better.  They are not rodents.  Sugar gliders are nocturnal marsupials related to kangaroos and opossums.  They require a very specialized diet consisting of a proven diet staple, fresh fruits and vegetables and a source of protein (mealworms, crickets, chicken, turkey, or eggs every night.  They do have an odor and their vet bills can be quite expensive.  

I do have to also caution you that sugar gliders live 10-12 years.  What will you be doing in the next 10-12 years?  Do you plan to go to college, travel, start a family?  It's a sad fact, but when 11 year-olds get sugar gliders (or teenagers), most of them end up as rescues.  They are a lot of work even for adults.  I recommend you choose another pet that is not quite so much work.  Please ask your parents to read this.

My best,
