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pregnant gliders

22 15:51:19

I just recently bought 5 sugar gliders and I've been doing my homework on how to love them and how to be a glider mom. Everything is going great was going to take the lil boy to get fixed and the 4girls to get checked and they all have joeys in their poches. First I thought that would be great but after doing more of my homework I found out that the daddy glider who's name is now Big Papa will be helping the mommies with joeys. My question is can he handle 9 babies?


Congratulations on your new glider family!  Yours is a tough question, and one that I can't answer with any certainty.  I need some information about your gliders.  

How old are they?
Did they grow up together?
How long have they lived together as a group?
Is your male the father?
Is the male related to the females?
Have the females had previous joeys?
How do they behave at feeding time?
Do they have frequent squabbles?
Does there seem to be one dominant glider?

My main concern isn't with Papa.  The males are usually great parents.  Sugar Gliders are territorial, and it is likely that the females will have issues with the other joeys.  It all depends on how they get along together as a colony.  

Have you ever seen Meercat Manor?  Sugar Gliders have a similar social structure.

I'll give my best advice once I get the answers to these questions.

