Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > hot whethers

hot whethers

22 15:54:52

QUESTION: dear experts
its me again petra
i live in a very hot climate and i was wondering if it will have great affect on my SG. im worried tht the hot whether might kill her or get her ill. can she survive in a hot climate?????
reply asap. thank you
i was also wondering if they are like normal pets, do they remember you?can they love you?do they know you are their owners?can they suss out between someone who plays with them and cares for them and someone who just pats their little heads. i am very  concerned.i am s e n s i t i v e you see.
thanks a lot dude..
ANSWER: as long as the glider is not left outside or anything and is in a house then the weather where you are shouldnt matter, they should also have clean water at all times....I wouldnt trust any of your other animals with the glider alone cause animals are animals and have that animal instinct

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: dear laurie
but what i meant dogs they follow u and love u
can sugar gliders love u?

yeah sugar gliders can make a chirping sound and come to the front of the cage when they hear you coming but they are not like dogs really and dont get like dogs do when you enter a room.....gliders are more wild animals but then can learn to trust you and come to the front of the cage to be petted and all when they hear you