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sugar glidre ate two claws

22 15:54:38

I am @ my bosses house she has 2 and I wa playing with them one jumped off my arm trying to get to the cage but missed and broke 2 of her claws i guess it just pulled them a little and it was bleeding very little tehn she got on the cage and wheel i tried to get her to get a closer look but she wouldnt come to me finally i noticed she was trying totake them off when seh succedded she ate the nails is this normal? will she be ok? how will this affect her day to day climbing? will they grow back

It depends on what broke and what she ate.  If the nails just broke and are bleeding, that will heal.  You can put some cornstarch into the broken nail to stop the bleeding.  

However, if the entire nail and nail bed pulled out of the socket and/or the the tips of her toes are missing or have been chewed off, then she needs vet attention immediately.  Without knowing exactly what extent of the injury is, it is hard for me to say.  I am not a vet, so a qualified vet should examine her and give you a proper answer.  

If she is severely injured and decides to chew the hand, it could progress.  A vet can give antibiotics and pain medication and properly amputate if necessary.