Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > Possible underweight glider

Possible underweight glider

22 15:44:45

Hi I hope you can answer my question, I have both a male and female glider living in the same cage, the male is unneutured and I am prepared for them to mate. However, the female is about 7 months old and the male is about 6 months, he is obviously fully matured but I do not know about her..since i got the male I'm pretty sure shes lost some weight, she also will not accept any Insectavore pellets from my hand anymore like she used to, from what i can see the male is letting her eat just fine, she weighs 58 grams right now, is this too thin? The male is definately heavier and more plump then she is. Any help would be appreciated


Chubby Tango
Don't worry too much about weight.. as many gliders will vary in weights and sizes throughout their lifetime.. there is no "perfect" weight.. so as long as she is eating and active and not exhibiting any healthy issues she is probably very normal.. Depending on activity levels each and every glider you meet will vary in weight.. this also fluctuates from year to year..

also males are usually chubbier than females in general.. **see attached pic of my little chubby Tango**

Her non acceptance is most likely an independence she is discovering..she is still just a baby.. and also too young to breed at this point.. you can try other goodies in the meantime..

If she is or ends up exhibiting any questionable issues in her activity like lethargy, despondence, appetite decrease etc please do not hesitate to take her to a specialized exotics vet immediately..

Best wishes

