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baby sugar glider-eating

22 15:53:55

Hi Betty!
I'm getting a boy and girl non-related pair of sugar gliders here in about a month and I'm trying to get my meal plan and what to feed them and everything now so I don't have to do everything last minute. Can you give me some reccomendation for what to feed the Joeys?
Please & thanks you much !!!

Hi Hayley,

Diet is always a big issue with Sugar Gliders.  There are many diets to be found online.  There really isn't a consensus as to which one is the best. Please check my website for the diet I use.  I have had healthy, happy, reproducing gliders for about six years using BML, fresh fruits and veggies, and occasional meal worms and crickets.

Your young joeys will not be ready for the crickets, meal worms, etc.  Stick with soft foods for a while.  Feel free to contact me any time for help with your new babies.  Congratulations and good luck!
