Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > Female Sugar Gliders chewing eachother tails

Female Sugar Gliders chewing eachother tails

22 15:53:04

QUESTION: I have 2 female sugar gliders and when i bought them the owner told me they were sisters.  I've had them for about 2weeks now and i noticed they were chasing eachother and one of the sugar glider was chasing the other sugar glider's tail... i thought they were just playing around... and i just noticed the tip of one of the sugar glider was hard and i noticed biting marks on the tail... i assume it was cuz of the other sugar glider bitting her tail but then i read that the sugar glider could bite there own tail after getting injured... so im not sure now... i don't know what to do... and i was thinking about to seperate them but the whole reason i bought two gliders was so that they wouldn't be lonely now i don't know what to do... please help...

ANSWER: Hello Sarah,

How are the two sisters behaving when they chase each other?  Are they making threatening noises or fussing at each other vocally?  If not, then they are most likely just playing.  

If the tail has open spots, please put some antibiotic ointment on it, such as Neosporin or Bacitracin.  If it has already healed, then don't worry about it.  This kind of injury is pretty common.  I wouldn't be concerned unless you notice aggressive behavior or other injuries.  

Are you in the process of bonding with your new gliders?  If so, please bond with the two of them together.  You can read about my bonding suggestions on my website:

I hope this helps.  Please keep in touch.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thanks for your answer... and i do think they r fussing at each other other... so what should i do now and as i said her tip of the tail got hard... r u sure just putting Neosporin or Bactracin will be ok?


You'll need to see a vet to be sure about the tail.  The ointment will keep it from getting infected.  However, if it is already infected, a vet will need to prescribe oral antibiotics.

You'll need to keep an eye on the girls.  You don't want to separate them unless it is absolutely necessary.  If they are sisters, they shouldn't have really serious fights.  Can you have the cage near where you sleep? That way you can listen to be sure they are not screaming at each other. Chasing is not usually serious.  In a real fight, all you'll see is a big furball, with both of them rolling around together.  If this does happen, toss a towel over them and separate them through the towel.  If you try separating them with your bare hands, you are sure to be bitten.

Please let me know how it is going for the next few days.
