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Adding New Glider?

22 15:54:40

Ive had my glider for about three months and hes pretty tame (likes to sit on my shoulder and eats out of my hand). I want to get him a friend so hes not lonely while im in school by day, but i was wondering what the best age and sex would be to pair with him. Hes a 13 month old un-neutered male. I was also wondering if it would be more difficult to bond with them, having two of them new to the house.

if you try to put the two together too quickly they may fight so if you want to get another one I would put the other one in another cage for now and put the new cage by the one your glider is in now and let them get use to each other through the cage bars for now.....then when they start to get use to each other try putting them in the cage together and see what happens, and if fighting occurs separate them.....males usually fight more then a female and male will