Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > female attacking male

female attacking male

22 15:53:35

My pair of sugar gliders have two babies. The babies have just been coming out of pouch for two days. The female glider is now attacking her male. Last night she went and started biting him while he was exercising in the wheel. I have read the male needs left with the female, but she is being quite aggresive and has now attacked him twice. What should I do?

Hello Sandra,

Thanks for your question.  What you describe is unusual behavior for new glider parents.  Usually the pair care for the joeys together.  The male will babysit to give the mother a chance to eat, exercise, and take a break from mothering.  

Are you providing enough protein for the gliders?  I'd suggest that you give them both extra chicken, eggs, or other sources of protein.  

Watch the pair closely.  The male must be doing something to upset the new mother.  Is he threatening the joeys?  Is he trying to mate?  You may need to take the male out temporarily if he is causing the mother to be overly stressed.  Just separate them for an hour or so to give both of them an opportunity to calm down. When you put him back into the cage, watch them to make sure they are getting along.

I hope this helps.  Let me know how things go.
