Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > suggie introduction

suggie introduction

22 15:44:28

I have two suggie.. Female n a Neurted Male. I have been following
you advise on how to introduced these two suggie. I have been taking my
time allowing  them to get to know each other. the things i do are -
switching their pouches, allowing them to explore each others cages
(with out the other inside it), They also play separately in the same
area, and I also allowing them to have physical interaction through
each others cage ( one is inside n the other is outside the cage).  So
when they have the physical interaction through the cage.  they have
hissing mini fights. not all the time. they have bitten each others
thumbs.  they are also nice to each other. the male is nicer to the
female..  she seems to be a little more bossy.  He submissive to her n
she does rub her face on top of his head on his sent glad. they also
sleep in each others pouches  my question is.. how long should i wait
to really introduce them?  they have know each other three months. do
you think they could have a fight?
  thanks for your advise
 sincerely Jessie

WOW well congratulations on your great progress thus far!
Most people don't even get to that point..

In my opinion if your suggies are tolerating each other for even short periods of time it is time to officially introduce them.. let them both out of the their pouches but within a cage (during the daylight) and hang 1 pouch in the cage of your choice.. naturally they will want to seek the pouch so lets see if they both crawl in and cuddle up for a long nap! If not then hang 2 pouches and let them decide when they want to move in with one another..

If everything goes successfully you should have no further issues.. keeping in mind that ALL gliders have family tiffs from time to time.. sometimes even brawls which are all means of ranking themselves within a family group.. so as long as no serious injuries come forth you should be good.. and as always use common sense in the matter as well.. if you think they are being too rough then separate them and keep on trying..

Best Wishes

kaden x_O