Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > Breeding my sugar gliders/separate cages?

Breeding my sugar gliders/separate cages?

22 15:44:28

I've got 3 males and 1 female glider and I've been trying to decide if I want to breed all of them. Currently, the female and one of the males is a mating pair and have had 2 litters of joeys together. The other two are very close to hitting sexual maturity and it's time for me to decide if I want to breed them or get them neutered. They are all really well bonded together so I don't really want to make things too stressful for them by separating them, but I think I want to breed them all. I would get two new females to introduce (which I'm familiar with techniques for introducing already) to the males I have. I know how big of a decision it is to start breeding, but after the first time my mating pair had their joeys I just fell in love with the whole process of taking care of the cute tiny little joeys <3. I've been researching breeding for quite some time now but I couldn't really find anything other than colony/pair/trio breeding information. If I end up getting two more females, do you think I need to put them all into separate cages or use cage dividers? I'm thinking I probably can't keep them all together (regardless of cage size and inability to tell which glider is the father). I couldn't find anything on keeping more than one breeding pair in the same cage. Please let me know what you think!
Thank you!

Hello Andrea!

I would highly recommend keeping each breeding couple in a separate cage..(1 pair per cage)
In my home we have no more than 2 gliders per 6 foot cage.. this helps w/ stress levels and record keeping.

Hope that info helps!

kaden O_o