Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > found baby sugar glider

found baby sugar glider

22 15:54:02

A friend of mine found a baby sugar glider. I'm guessing it's a little boy? But,he's very small,i'd say around 4inches long including the tail. I wanted to know what to feed him and how to do it. I bought kitten formula and tryed feeding it to him from the bottle and he made a squek noise,bit it and tryed to take off running so I put a little of the milk in a shallow bowl and stuck it in the cage with him. Please let me know what to do with this little guy. Thanks You!

Dear Lauren:

First of all you need to take this baby to a vet to determine if it is a sugar glider or a north American flying squirrel.  They look very similar and it's hard to believe a baby sugar glider would last a night.  

If it's a baby sugar glider you can feed it following the directions on this link:

But I strongly suggest you get to a vet and get the animal checked out and positively identify it.  I have no idea how you would feed a North American flying squirrel baby.

Best of luck,
