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Glider Toenails

22 15:53:50

Is it possible to clip a gliders toenails ours seem to get there nails caught in most everything? { the site said we had too many follow ups and had to ask a new question} Thanks Chuck & Lora

Yes!  It is important to trim them regularly.  Gliders can harm themselves if the nails become caught in something.  I even heard of a glider who chewed off his foot to get himself untangled. Gliders hate to have their nails clipped, and will likely bite if given a chance.

Get some small nail clippers.  Wrap the glider up in a small towel or other cloth.  Hold him in your left hand.  With your right hand, pull one foot out and give it to the thumb and forefinger of your left hand.  The rest of the fingers of your left hand are still holding the glider tightly.  With your right hand, clip only the sharp tip of the nail.  Their nails have blood vessels, just like a dog or cat, so be careful to trim only the white tip.  They have five nails to clip on their hands, but only two on the feet.  On their feet, you will notice that the fused toes and one other toe have soft nails.  The gliders use these for grooming.  Do not clip these.  The two that need to be clipped are much harder than the others.  Of course, if you are left handed, reverse the hands.

After a nail clipping, gliders can't "stick" to things like they did before, so might fall off things for a while.  That's okay, but just be careful.

I hope my directions are clear enough.  Let me know if you have any questions.  Good Luck!
