Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > I am....

I am....

22 15:54:15

I am thinking of getting a sugar glider in the next couple of years so i am starting my research right now, can you please tell me EVERYTHING i need to know in order to get a sugar glider please.

Dear Carlos:

It is difficult for me to tell you everything you need to know about sugar gliders in this answer.  One reason is that I don't know your age, if you are an adult or a child, your lifestyle, if you live alone or have kids.  The truth is, you should be doing weeks, if not months, of research before you get a sugar glider and I would have to write a book to tell you "EVERYTHING" you need to know.  These are high-maintenance exotic animals that do not make the best pets for everybody.  Please consider all of the pros and cons before making a decision to purchase sugar gliders.  

Instead, I am going to point you to links where you can do some reading.  

You want to research in general about them and their history and origin, habitat, diet, toys, illnesses, costs, bonding, whether to get  a single or pair, whether to get a baby (joey) or an adult.

Here is a link to my website:

Here is a link to GliderCentral:

Here is a link to Sun Coast Sugar Gliders:  (don't forget to sign up for their newsletters for lots of helpful information)

I hope this helps you.  Please feel free to contact me back with any specific questions you may have.