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Problem Biter

22 15:54:42

One of my new suggies is acctually really bad. If I put my finger anywhere near him, he bites--hard. He'll get his little teeth around my finger and bite until I bleed, and he won't stop! It's not just one bite here, a minute later he bites again. No, it's constant. Non stop! It's gotten to the point where I can't take the bites.
I've tried holding my finger far enough so he can't bite, but then he swipes! Since the previous owner didnt take the time to trim their nails, their fingers are like hooks. He grabs, hooks on and pulls... then bites. I've tried licky treats, but once he's done, he'll either bite, or swipe and bite.
HELP! What do I do?!

if you have not had him that long I know you may not want to hear this but you just have to give him time to come around and get use to you handling him....if the previous owner did not hold and interact with him much the bonding process will probably take even longer....i know its hard to take the bites sometimes but if you just keep going back and doing things with him even when he bites he will eventually realize that biting and swiping is not going to make you just go may take a while like i said but eventually he will realize you are not the enemy