Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > Running Around

Running Around

22 15:53:23

We recently purchased two sugar gliders.  Each are just over a year old.  The male has some bonding issues we are hoping to work through by using the pouch and putting up with the biting.  The female is very playful.  However, when we let her out of the pouch, she goes everywhere.  She plays with us by crawling over us and jumping from one to another and on the furniture and in the Christmas tree.  Should we be letting her run around like this or try to hold her closer and not have as much free reign.

Hello Jay,

The answer to your question is "yes," and "no."  Letting your glider be a glider and wander around the room is great, but there are many hazards to watch out for.  For one, pine trees are toxic (if your tree is real).  Most homes have places where a glider can get into trouble (under the stove, in the fireplace, etc).  Gliders can't swim, so any open water is potentially lethal. Gliders can't be toilet trained, so they will eliminate wherever they happen to be.  I think you get the idea.  So.... if you can supervise her playtime and be very careful, then yes, let her play.  Otherwise she is safer in her cage. I hope this helps.  Thanks for the question!
