Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > HYGIENE


22 15:54:07

My male sugar glider(getting neutered on may 2) has got some of his body oils or something on the edges of his head scent gland.  I think that it is where he doesn't clean his head very well.  Pieces have been falling out where he is happy and starting to clean himself more.  Is there something I should do to help out with this?  Oh and by the way, I have been hearing from alot of resources that it is NOT ok for me to feed my sugar glider any cat food at all.  My 3 year old female glider has had it nearly all of her life.  What is something that I can use to wean her off of it?

Dear Cody:

I am not sure what pieces are falling off.  If it is skin, you will need vet attention and some antibiotic drops.  If it is just excess oil, you can use a damp Q-Tip.  

There are some of people that believe that high-end cat food is okay as long as all other dietary methods are met, but we are not talking grocery store cat food.  I am not one of these people.  You will not really need to wean her with anything but the diet you choose.  It is better for her and she will probably like it much better than cat food.  
