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New sugar glider?

22 15:54:03

Hi Laurie,

My name is Emilee Andrews. I'm an expert in the ferret category.

I am just writing to ask you about sugar gliders. My fiancee and I are interested in getting a sugar glider. We have two ferrets.

We just wanted to know the basics of having a sugar glider. What it takes to house them, feed them, and generally take care of them. Obviously, we know that exotic animals take a lot of special care and we are willing to go the extra mile!

Any info you can give us would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you,
Emilee Andrews

Hi Emily!

You can go to my website at:

for the information you are seeking.  Another good site to research is Glider Central.  There you can research diets and nutrition:

Having had ferrets as well, sugar gliders are a bit more complex and high maintenance.  As nocturnal exotics, their diet is much more complex and they require more time and attention the even ferrets require.  They require larger cages and are a lot of work, but the rewards are great for the right type of owners. They are a long-term commitment 10-12 years and will display negative reaction to small changes in their routine.  They do not make good pets for children and teens.

Best of luck in your research.
