Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > sugar glider shiver

sugar glider shiver

22 15:53:49

my sugar glider shakes or does some sort of shiver some times is that normal?  if it is normal why do they do it?  if it is not what is wrong?

Hmmm....This is beyond my expertise.  If you are really concerned, you should call a vet.  Sugar Gliders are small animals and have a high metabolism and quick little heartbeats.  You may be feeling the natural nervous system just a bit sped up.  Or.....the shaking could be from any number of maladies, probably concerning the nervous system.  So, I really don't have an answer for you.  If it were me, I would call a vet and describe the situation.  They can tell you whether of not an office visit is needed.  I hope this helps.
