Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > Possibly sick Glider

Possibly sick Glider

22 15:54:22

Hi, I just got my two Gliders yesterday. One of them is very perky and active, still crabbing every time he sees my face. My other one is a little girl, she is very quiet, and seems to sniffle while crabbing, she is very lethargic and her eyes seem to be more watery than the other. They share a large cage. Any information would be helpful.


I am not a vet just a glider owner but if your glider girl is not moving around much when she is suppose to be active at night you may want to get her checked out by a vet cause at night gliders are usually very active and move around the cage alot, its not common for a glider to just sit there and not move at all.....