Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > 2 males can bond w/each other

2 males can bond w/each other

22 15:51:13

I bought my 1st male glider around december where he was not properly cared for little or no interaction and bad diet and not clean after bringing home my first glider i worked with him alot...then i felt he needed a friend so i bought another male about 3 m0nths later...from a breeder...i'm guessing they are about 8 months apart as the pet shop didnt know how old my first baby was...i have tried several times to get them to be friends and was always under the impression that they would fight so i havnt pushed it to hard...both are neutered.. well i have noticed in the past few weeks that when i have one in my room for out of cage time that both act like they miss each other...and was wondering what i can do or try ...their cages have always been right next to each other so they can touch hands  which they do...


Two unrelated males generally cannot cohabitate without a lot of fighting for dominance.  However, since yours have both been neutered, it can be done.  They already live near one another.  That's good.  Now, get a pouch with two compartments so they can feel each other and smell each other without actually having contact.  Carry the pouch around with you, handling both of them whenever you can.  Having your smell mingle with theirs will make them smell more like you.  Once they can be together in the double pouch without fussing at each other, go to my website and read the article on introductions to see how to let them meet each other.  

I think they will be fine.  Be patient and take things slowly.  Good luck, please keep in touch.
