Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > first time glider owner..

first time glider owner..

22 15:51:12

i have been wanting to get a glider so i've been researching.. i know it is best for the glider to have a cage mate. but as a first time owner should i get one first and then get another? or get two that are already cage mates? will getting two at the same time make it harder for them to bond to me?


I'm glad you are doing research on Sugar Gliders and their care.  

Yes, gliders are much happier if they have a companion.  The gliders will get along better if they have been cage mates since birth.  Two unrelated females or a male and female can become bonded to each other, but you need to introduce them properly. Two unrelated males typically do not get along.

Your gliders will bond with you either way.  Each glider has his or her own personality, and will either bond quickly or slowly, mainly depending on prior experience with humans.

Please go to my website for information about introductions and bonding.

Good luck,
