Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > gliders mate..

gliders mate..

22 15:51:12

dear betty..
i have 3 gliders, which consist of parents and a baby glider whichs is a male. the baby glider is 5 months old now. i am wondering will the baby glider mate with the mother glider or his sisters?
Pet shop's uncle who sold me the glider told me that according to his experience he have 7 gliders which already 8 years old and this big family is only the parent glider will mate and that the baby glider wont  mate with the parent and each others. i am wondering will the baby glider mate with the parent glider?



I really can't give you a definitive answer to your question.  I have heard about family members not mating, but I have also heard it the other way.  I always adopt out my young gliders before they mature, at about five or six months of age.

Inbreeding can cause all kinds of genetic problems, including deformities and health issues.  If I were you, I would have the young male neutered.

I hope this helps.  Good luck,
