Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > We have a mean glider {bites}

We have a mean glider {bites}

22 15:53:44

We have written before, but things have gotten worse, our male glider has become very aggressive. We have found him several times as if he were frozen in place and the only way we can get him to move during these episodes is to blow breath on him, we've touched and pulled on him but, like I say, it is as if he is frozen in place. The problem now is that he will even leap onto the cage bars to try to attack us. We have had to take the female out of the cage to keep him from beating her up, he even makes her scream.  She is happy and runs around without him near, we are at the end of patience with him and have placed an add to give him away. What we would like to know, is it possible for a Glider to have a stroke. He is as mean as can be and has drawn blood on me three times and my girlfriend once. Do you have any ideas as to why he would behave like this? He was fed baby mice by the previous owner who told us he did the killing and cleaned up the mess {he even ate the bones}. we would really apreciate some kind of eplanation, we know people can have their personalities changed by strokes and wonder if this could happen to a Glider. He will even "growl" at us from his hidding place in the cage if we walk by.  Thanks,  Chuck & Lora

Hi again,

I assume that you tried all the "tricks" for bonding?  

I would see a vet immediately about the "episodes."  I had a rescue once that did that.  I can't believe the guy at the pet store told me she was just "playing possum."  It can be the sign of a serious condition, so please have it checked out.  I am not a vet, so do not know about strokes.  Please see a professional.

It was a big mistake to feed mice to the glider.  I'm sure it is healthy and "fun" for the glider, but it does not encourage gliders to be calm and easy to handle.  I would not trust him around joeys, either.

Please be sure that any prospective new glider owner is aware of the situation and is willing to deal with the glider's issues.  It will either take a LOT of time and patience, or someone willing to have him as a "see only" pet.  He does need to have a companion, no matter what.  Do you plan to get your female a friend?  

Good luck.  Keep me informed.
