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hamsters and sugar gliders

22 15:44:59

HI, i am soon going to get a glider but im doing as much research possible before so me and it can be in good shape. but i have a question. school starts soon and my glider will be in her cage all day till i get home at 3 and i dont want to to be lonely so i was thiking of buying a hamster to keep her company. i cant afford 2 gliders plz answer thank you

sorry for the delay..
I was not emailed your question strait away..

I would NOT recommend getting a hamster to keep your glider company as Gliders and other species are very much individuals and also usually VERY territorial of their own space..

In fact most hamsters are NOT compatible even with other hamsters.. which most people don't know.. they prefer to live a solitary existence..

There would harm hard done to one or even both of them so please do not try it..

Your glider will be asleep most of the daylight hours anyways.. so I am sure she will not be very lonely at all.. and you can supplement the affection by spending more time with you glider after school hours until you can save enough to purchase an additional glider companion..

Check into your local rescue agencies and or shelters.. you might be surprised 2 find that adopting a glider versus buying one will save you a LOT of $$

best wishes and best of luck..!!

kaden O_o