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1 glider bonded 2nd not

22 15:44:59

Hey I recently got two male joeys from a breeder I didn't have any documents about thier age but the breeder told me they were 11 weeks OOP,when she came over they were detonately hand tamed because she drove an hour with them in her hoodie pocket, one was much smaller,now 8 days later the small one is bonding so well but the other one (the larger one)..I barely can pet do I keep treating them equally or put more time into the (well, I guess the more aggressive one because now they are the same size) ?
       I know all gliders are different . What shows signs of sickness? and they have strange sleeping habits but they eat well cantalope,chicken baby food,yogert,and thier glider staple food,they won't eat. Bugs?. Should I only give them one pouch or diff.ones to choose all with my scent? Finally, I have a whole room just for the gliders should I put thier fruit/ect in the cage at a main time because they sleep a lot?? Sorry so many questions  but I want them to be happy and healthy, am I just being a worrywort? Thank-you so much


It is good to ask questions!  I am glad that you want to learn more about your gliders.  

I would bond with both of them together, but you might want to spend a little extra time with the more agressive one.  Check out my bonding article on my website:

You will know if a glider is sick by his behavior.  He will be listless and lack energy.  His ears will not be perky.  Watch to be sure he is moving well.  His hind end should not drag.  You can check for dehydration by lifting the skin at the back of the neck.  If it takes a while for the skin to shrink back, he may be dehydrated.

I like to give gliders more than one pouch.  That way they have another place to stay if they tire of each other's company.  However, if one continually sleeps alone, there could be a problem.

Your gliders are so lucky to have their own room!  It might be fun to hide the food in different places, so they have to "hunt" like they would in the wild.  Do be sure to take out the old food before it goes bad.  I feed in the evening when the gliders first wake up, and remove in the morning when they go back to sleep.  Check my website for diet information.

I hope this helps.  Good luck,
