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Sugar glider escape

22 15:44:33


Good day!
I have a few questions that I badly need an answer on and is desperate enough on these.
1st. My sugar gliders escaped on their cage, they're roughly 2 months old out of pouch and did build a bond with them already. Is there any possibility that they will return to the cage?
2nd. How to find a lost sugar glider? Is there any place that they will stay?
3rd. It was just about 10 hours ago, is there any possibility that I will find them?


Well as you may have guessed by now the best way not to loose a Sugar Glider is to have a secure cage to begin

I have had my kids accidently leave a door open on a cage twice before.. of course both times it was the door of my most expensive leucistic glider "Matoskah".. The very 1s time I raced thru the house in a panic searching everywhere a little glider could fit and finally found him curled up next to my bass speaker behind a magazine.. (Thank Goodness)

The 2nd time I needent look for Matoskah.. as he woke me from my slumber by jumping onto my extended arm at 3am wanting to Of course he scared the CRAP out of me and I left from bed realizing it was him and he scurried onto the floor.. It took me at least 10 minutes to catch the little buggar & I was so grateful he what bright white which made him easy to track in the darkness.. I managed to toss a towel over him and return him to the safety of his cage without waking another soul in the house..

The best I can recommend is SEARCH SEARCH SEARCH.. be very careful not to do any laundry in the meantime as they could be hidden and cuddled up in any of the garments.. also close all of the toilet lids, garbage disposals, as those are death traps for gliders as well.. There is a great chance they will resurface the next evening as they will be out looking for food.. and that would be the best time to catch them.. Search the cupboards, closets, shoes and other glider enticing places to hide.. you will know when you disturb them as they will crab and give themselves away..

Hopefully there was no escaping the house in which you live.. if so you will want to do an extensive search outside as well..

Best of luck on your search..
Please do let me know if you find them!

kaden O_o