Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > cage?


22 15:51:27

hi Betty i've been thinking about a sugar glider for my next pet and i've been stumped on the right cage. Last time we talked you told me to go to a certain website and I did some research. I work at a pet store and trying to find a cage with less than half an inch thick of wire thats big enough is difficult. Do you have any advice? Should I make one? or use a bird cage and put ledges for him or her to jump?


I just spent some time online looking for a cage for you.  I didn't have much luck.  The best ones are pretty expensive.  The cages I use are from a pet store, and were designed for reptiles.  They are framed in wood and have "hardware cloth" sides.  They have a wooden tray in the middle of the cage to hold food dishes, etc.  A tin tray slides out underneath the bottom layer of wire mesh.  These cages are five feet high and about two feet on each side going around.  I would say this is the minimum size for a couple of gliders.  

Here are some considerations for Sugar Glider cages:

1. Larger is better, tall rather than long.  Your cage should be at least 5' tall, and 2' wide.

2. Appropriate enclosure material is very important to avoid escape.  Do not use screen.  Bars are risky, because they could bend and allow escape.  I recommend something called "hardware cloth."  It is a welded wire with little squares of about 1 cm.  

3. You want to have a pull out tray that cannot be accessed by the gliders.

4. Wheels are great, so you can wheel the cage outdoors for cleaning.

5.  You want a large door that allows access to all parts of the cage.

6.  You want the nesting pouches, hammocks, and food dishes up high.  Remember, Sugar Glides are arboreal, and spend most of their time up high.  

The best cages I've seen are from  I love the hexagon shaped one on wheels!  

I am not a builder, so couldn't really give you very specific advice on building a cage.  I think you could find instructions online.  My advice is to create a frame of wood and fill the sides with hardware cloth.  Good luck.  Let me know if you would like some more suggestions.
