Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > Help! I think my sugar glider is really ill!!

Help! I think my sugar glider is really ill!!

22 15:53:13

I was given a 6yr old sugar glider and I had him for almost 6 mos. He has been pretty active until last night. his name is Debo. He was making a sh-sh noise and barely hanging on one side of his cage. I manage to get him down but his body felt cold and his legs are not moving. I put him in his wooden box with lots of litle blankets to keep him warm. To my surprise this mornng he is still alive but barely. I think he has calcium defficient. I cant afford a vet and Iam new to owning a sugar glider. Im afraid he is going to die. He is not eating or drinking. What can I do?

Please send me an update about your glider.  I am very concerned.



Debo really needs to go to the vet.  Gliders can go downhill very quickly, and a veterinarian will know what is best.

What has Debo been eating?  Diet is very important.  If he has hind-end paralysis, he needs calcium supplements immediately.  Try force feeding him water with honey, calcium powder and glider nectar, if you can get some.  Use a medicine dropper.  Holding him feet down, tilt his head up and drop some liquid onto his lips.  This may keep him going until you can get to a vet.  

I think your glider is in a very precarious position right now.  Please keep him near you.  I would suggest keeping him in a warm pouch or pocket near your skin to keep him warm and comfortable.

Good luck to you.  Please keep me informed, and let me know if there is anything else I can do for you.
