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Shes not eating well...

22 15:44:49

My name is Mandy, and I've had my 8 weeks-out-of-pouch female for 9 days now.  She's certainly more comfortable in her environment now, and I've previously had no problems with her eating (no eating) habits.  She rarely comes out during the day, But I leave pellets out anyway in case she gets hungry, and at night she attacks her dinner immediately.  Until now.  I feed bijou 1.5 teaspoons of HPW as well as mixed fruit and veggies.  She's loved it so far!  But last night and seemingly tonight, she won't touch it.  She's been eating some of the cheerios I've given her while in the bonding pouch, and she's taken a dried raspberry from me tonight as well as a yogurt drop and piece of granola.  I also haven't seen/heard her drink from her water bottle for two days, but i put a little bit of honey on it just now, so she definitely took a drink then.  Basically, I'm worried...or confused, because while I've seen her eat a few things and drink a little, it's really bothering me that she won't touch what she previously loved.  Should I be super worried, and what can I do to ensure her health and well being in relation to this issue?  Thank you for reading this!

Well first off I wouldn't worry too much.. so take a big breath and take some comfort in that she is most likely just acting very normal..

Some nights my sugar gliders eat less than they normally do.. some nights it seems as tho they have not eaten at all.. but only to continue on their normal schedule the next day.. have you offered your little one a variety of foods yet..?? I have some gliders that LOVE apples and others who prefer carrots.. but each of my gliders loves the Modified Ledbeaters Diet I prepare for them.. if you can offer her a small buffet it just may be what she is craving.. A LITTLE VARIETY .. gliders LOVE change and that includes their cage set up and dinners.. they LOVE to explore and discover new things.. and as long as she is eating something she is most likely just fine.. a sick glider will usually stop eating all together.. so if for some reason you see her acting oddly in her movement or appearance or she stops eating all together PLEASE TAKE HER TO YOUR VET IMMEDIATELY..

Gliders will seldomly make an appearance during the daylight hours so that is perfectly normal.. if she doesn't seem to like the HPW you might try switching her to the MLB .. I have used it with much success not only in my own gliders but in all of our rescues as well.. They LOVE IT..!! I have a few articles here that discuss the exact recipe I use so please feel free to browse..

Offer her some cottage cheese too.. most glider love it..!!

Let me know how things work out..
I wish you and your baby girl a wonderful Holiday Season

Your Pal

kadeN O_o