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sugar gliders in the cold

22 15:53:11

I have a sugar glider and one day i went to get him out and he was so cold! i was sure he was dead, he was hard as a rock and just freezing.  I held him and got him warm again and he was fine so i moved his cage to a warmer room but the same thing happened again and it was very cold that night.  I am very worried, I don't want it to happed again. I think I should probably get him a heating rock but is it just the cold thats hurting him or could be be sick?

Hello Miranda,

Sugar Gliders have an amazing ability to go into a semi-hibernation state if it gets too cold.  I used to live in an old farmhouse.  One very cold evening, I noticed something between the two glass panels of the window.  Somehow, one of my gliders had managed to get wedged between the two pieces of glass.  I have no idea how long he was there.  He was deathly cold and stiff.  I held him close to me as I cried.  I was sure he was dead, but after he warmed up a bit, I could feel him move.  

I don't think going into this state harms the gliders, but you do need to keep the room warm for your glider.  Remember, they are used to living in the rainforest.  

As long as your glider seems happy and healthy when he's warm, he's most likely okay.  Just keep him warm.  

I hope this helps.  
