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Holding my baby sugar glider

22 15:44:32

I have a male,a female and their son which is older and the mom just had a baby which is now out of her pouch and his/her eyes just opened yesterday 8/13/2011 and they are all taking very good care of the baby but I was wondering if it would be ok to hold the baby. This is my first time having a baby and it has been an exciting, wonderful experience! I am just dying to hold the baby but I am not sure if it would be ok. I want to bond with this one because the adults I have were not handled by their last owners and it has taken a lot of work getting them used to us but now we can pet them and talk to them with out them crabbing at us. I just want the new baby to bond with us as soon as it is safe to do so.

Thank you,

yes as soon as he has been making an appearance on his own for a week or two you should be fine in handling him.. he will protest so just be patient & take it slow..

try not to have him too crabby with mom n dad within hearing distance as that may worry them a bit..