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HPW Diet

22 15:53:01

I have had my gliders on the BML Diet and then they seemed to quit eating it, so I switched them over to the HPW Diet and now for the past week they are not eating it again?

Any ideas how to make it more appetizing for them?


Gliders can be finicky with their food.  You may find they like BML again.  You might have to switch out the diets on a regular basis.

Another suggestion would be to give them the components of the diet separately.  For example, give them scrambled eggs mixed with honey, yogurt mixed with calcium and vitamins.  The next day give them chicken with honey, baby cereal with applesauce sprinkled with wheat germ, calcium and vitamins, etc.  Be creative with what you mix with what.  Provide fresh fruits and veggies on the side.  Vary the combinations each day.  That way they are getting the same nutrients in a more appealing "presentation."

Give this a try and let me know how it goes.

Good Luck,
