Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > Nature in the Habitat

Nature in the Habitat

22 15:53:56

Hello Laurie.  Your background with sugar gliders is very sufficient.

We have a female glider in a large metal cage that she seems to like very much.  She has been in this cage for a long time, during which we have made no significant changes to the layout, which includes a Wodent Wheel with the Nail-O-Matic track insert.

We want to add a piece of driftwood or a cut from one of our trees to her habitat for her to play on, keep her nails in check, maintain her teeth, and give her some of the smell and feel of her natural home.  

My questions are:

1) How might the glider react to this new object in her living space?
2) Will the presence of clean, untreated natural wood downgrade her environment in any way?
3) Will it pose any hazards to her health?

Your informed advice will be appreciated.  

Dear Andy:

First of all, gliders love trees and wood.  Her reaction should be no different than the reaction she exhibits anytime you give her a new toy.  They live in trees in the wild, so it is natural for them to enjoy climbing on limbs.  But they do not need wood to maintain their teeth.  Unlike rodents, sugar gliders do not need to chew to keep their teeth from growing too long.  They chew for enjoyment.  There are, however, toxic trees and plants to avoid, too many for me to memorize or list here.  So the hazard to her health would be from a poor choice of wood.  I would not use any cut from one of your trees unless you are extremely familiar with the exact genus of trees on your property and until you thoroughly research the list of safe trees and plants.

Secondly, I limit the amount of wood in my cages.  Wood is porous and soaks up urine and scent which can be difficult to clean.  I stick with toys and accessories made out of safe plastics, silk plants, metal and cloth.  

If you are unsure of the wood around your home, your local pet store will have lots of wood and safe plastic branches in the exotic bird department.  If they are safe for parrots and macaws, it will be safe for your glider.  

Hope this helps.
