Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > Taming


22 15:44:39

I just recently picked up 2 6month old female sugar gliders from a breeder. They have only been in their new home for 2days and are seemingly very afraid. They have been eating and coming out at night playing with each other. They will eat food from my hand, but will nip me from time to time. I'm not sure if they were tamed by the breeder or not and I don't want to jump the gun on trying to take them out of the cage. What would be the best way to go about getting them used to me and taming them? Thanks!

If i could only offer you 1 word it would be PATIENCE.. ;)

Difficult gliders require lots of TLC & that TLC involves a patient owner who is willing to take it slow in attempts to rehabilitate a glider's personality & trust levels..

I would say that 98% of all the rescue gliders I get in are NOT hand tame when they come to me.. usually we have to use holding therapy to show that humans are not mean and will not pose any harm to them.. but younger gliders such as the ones you purchased are much easier to convince.. simple old school bonding pouches and yummy treats will convince them of who you are and what your intentions really are.. remember that gilders are SCENT oriented.. meaning they recognize their own tribe and close family member & the enemy with scent alone! Your new gliders acting as if they are in a strange environment & around strange people is very very normal behavior.. They do not know you yet.. they do to recognize your sounds, smells, and routine.. these animals are much more complex than a hamster you pick up from your local pet store.. and so with a little patience & time & understanding and education you will be well on your way to having a very awesome nocturnal pet!!

Take some time to read through my earlier articles on bonding.. it will help you immensely.. there is also a wealth of knowledge on the internet.. educating your mind will be the best for you and for them..

In the meantime.. don't hesitate on handling them.. do not let the nips intimidate you.. be calm & reinforce good behaviors like staying on your body.. observe them in the evening hours and feed them treats through the bars.. this will all help strengthen your bond..

Hope this information helps!

Best of Luck

kaden O_o