Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Sugar Gliders > My girl sugar glider hates me!

My girl sugar glider hates me!

22 15:51:11

hi i just got two baby sugar gliders about 3 days ago.i have a male and a female thier names are romeo and juliet.romeo lets me feed him and he'll climb on my hand to eat and is a little shaky so i try to pet him and he lets me ....and i know hes still i was wondering is it normal for him to walk in slow motion...its kinda weird..and well juliet i think just down rights hates me ..i would put food on my finger tips and romeo loves it but juliet hates it and bites my fingers....and haha and whenever i start to talk she starts to crab everytime time i even try to speak and she always tries to bite ......i love romeo and juliet  i just need some more thing the woman who gave them to me said that i had to freeze their food in ice trays like apple juice ....and mango frozen like ice cubes is that okay.. can i feed them like bananas and grapes , that okay haha o goodness help me ...i just wanna akes im not doing this wrong


First of all, your female glider doesn't hate you, she is just afraid.  Please go to my website and read all about bonding.  If you follow the steps I suggest, she will love you in no time.  I suggest you do the bonding process with both of them.

It is not necessary to freeze the food.  You just need to make sure the food doesn't spoil, and freezing is the best way to be sure.  Do you feed them BML?  That spoils in just a few days.  Gliders will eat frozen foods, but prefer it soft.  Gliders love fresh fruits and veggies.  You have to experiment to see what they like best.  My gliders don't care for strawberries for some reason.  

The slow motion walking could be a problem, but is probably just his reaction to you.  He is still unsure.  Are you giving them calcium supplements?  Make sure they are getting enough calcium and protein.

I hope this helps.  Good luck.
