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age to seperate baby gliders

22 15:53:53

Hello, I have a male and female glider 1.5 in age. They had 2 male babies. OOP 6/4 Babies are bonding well with myself, eating well. I have yet to see them urine or poop. What age is right to separate them from mom and dad? Mom and dad are mating once again. Any advice is appreciated.

Hi Renee,

The joeys should be ready to leave their parents by eight weeks out of pouch.  There are two things you need to look for to determine if they are ready:  they must be eating solid foods and eliminating on their own.  I usually put the joeys in a pouch and keep them with me to see if they urinate or defecate.

The joeys do not need to be taken from the family until they are of breeding age, at about seven or eight months.  Six months is usually a safe time to take them out.  Glider big brothers and sisters take good care of the joeys, and even babysit them on occasion.  

I hope this answers your questions.  Good luck!
